NEPAL earthquake

Thanks to a great number of supporters, we have helped many families in Kathmandu, including those of children from the Manasarovar school (where we have been working with sponsorships since 1999) and the nuns of the Shree Bhakhang Dondub Dhing monastery, near the border with Tibet, with the distribution of tents, blankets, jerry cans, pots, pans and cutlery.

In northern Nepal, in the VDC (Village Development Committee) of Yarsa and Saramthali (Rasuwa district), where the destruction was total, with 95% of the buildings collapsed and where we were the first to arrive, we are building 29 temporary classrooms in order for activities at 18 of the schools that collapsed to start up again and to allow 1,698 children to go to school.

In the VDC of Saramthali (Rasuwa District) we have helped more than 6200 people with the distribution of materials for the construction of shelters (huts) to protect themselves from the monsoon this year, and in the VDC of Baluwa (Kavre District) we are helping 11,200 people by distributing shelters (huts) and 1600 kits of seeds of local horticultural crops, tools, natural fertilizers and pesticides in order to restart the economy of this area as soon as possible. See the article describing all of our actions on the ground.

Now our efforts are focused on post-earthquake reconstruction: we want to train local staff to rebuild villages and schools with traditional materials using anti-seismic techniques.

Let’s build the future of Nepal together. Their future also depends on your help.

For more information

Contact ASIA:


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If it is more convenient for you to donate to ASIA by bank transfer, our bank details are listed here:

Beneficiary: ASIA onlus
IBAN: IT 27 M 01030 72160 000000389350
Reason: NEPAL Earthquake Emergency
Currency: EUR
Bank Name: Banca Monte dei Paschi di Siena

Nepal: ricostruiamo le scuole

ASIA è sul posto dai primi giorni dopo il terremoto. E passata l’emergenza, non se n’è andata. È rimasta per dare una mano a ricostruire il futuro di molti bambini, a partire dalle scuole.

Fai un gesto che farà scuola

NEPAL Rebuild the schools

Let's rebuild together the schools destroyed by the earthquake.Now we need your help. The schools will be a safe place where the children can learn to grow up and will be protected from child trafficking.

Do something generous and donate now.